Thursday, November 1, 2007


Katie was the cutest Lady Bug ever! And Clayton was a scary Pirate last night.The kids had a great time Trick or Treating. Katie was really getting into it! She would go right up to the door and take the candy and put it in her bucket, say "Tanks" and walk away. It was cute. Clayton ofcourse had a great time going door to door. He had a friend with us so they were being silly boys.


melanie said...

so cute! I love the "tanks" and then headed on to the next house. HA!

mkburcham said...

Very cute costumes! Katie does look like the cutest little ladybug--the "tanks" is cute too! Sounds like you have been having a fun fall, I can't wait to have a little one to dress up and take trick or treating!
I hope Homecoming was fun-wish I could have been there---I am planning on next year! Miss ya!