Wednesday, February 14, 2007

Happy Valentines Day!

Happy Valentines Day from the Hoggards! Jeffrey and I tried to share a nice meal at home tonight but for those of you that have know that didn't really happen as planned! Kaite is still battling the runny nose, ear infection and cough. So she is a real joy!

Clayton is well, however.....he did enjoy a nice "romantic" meal of Chick-fil-a in his room by himself watching a movie. He was in heaven! He had a nice party at school today and got lots of Valentines from his friends. He told me last night when I was putting him to bed that "I am not going to ask anyone to be my Valentine at school tomorrow because I am not the kind guy that can just jump out there and say "hey. will you be my Valentine" I thought that was pretty funny. He keeps us laughing everyday!

Here are some pictures that I took of Katie in her Valentines shirt. Excuse the runny nose and drool!!!



mkburcham said...

Mis- She is beautiful-even with the runny nose! I love it! I am glad that you at least thought about having a nice meal!! Ha! Clayton has such a cute personality-but both you and Jeff are funny. Hope it is all going well. Miss you!
Love Mer

melanie said...

Clayton is hilarious! That is so funny. And katie is so cute. Tis the season for runny noses! I love the updates.
